Hello, my name is Trevor. I have recently completed a course of counselling at my local health clinic. A few years ago, I was involved in a serious accident and since then, I have struggled with my moods, I have had trouble sleeping and I have been feeling very depressed. I was very skeptical about counselling to begin with. I just didn't see how talking to someone would help when all of the drugs I had been given hadn't done a thing. However, I was surprised to find that opening up about my feelings with someone really improved my mental health and I am now feeling much better. I have since bcome interested in counselling so I decided to start this blog to encourage others to seek help.

Common Relationship Problems and How Counselling May Help

28 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

While relationships are enjoyable a lot of the time, most aren't without their problems. In many cases, you'll find that you can overcome everyday relationship problems without outside help. But there may come a time when outside intervention is necessary in order to return to a state of happiness. Here are some common relationship issues that could benefit from counselling. Cheating and Betrayal  Many people enter relationships because they crave companionship that comes with security. Read More …

Two Promises You and Your Partner Should Make Before Starting Marriage Counselling

22 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Here are two promises you and your partner should make to each other before starting marriage counselling. Both of you will stay until the end of every counselling session You should both promise each other that you'll stay until the end of every single counselling session. Whilst this might not sound like much of a challenge, you may be surprised at how tempting it will occasionally be to walk out during a session. Read More …